Normally, hardly any medium-sized company can avoid a proper CRM comparison. From a certain company size, software helps to make processes clearer. It is the same with a CRM system.

How can a CRM help medium-sized businesses?

What is a CRM system anyway? CRM is the short form for the English term Customer Relationship Management. In short, CRM software covers all points of contact with your customers. The more employees work in customer contact, the more data is created uncoordinated every day. This data accumulates in marketing, in customer care and, of course, in sales. CRM software brings all these data points together in a controlled manner. It thus helps to make the sales process much more transparent. For example, in the CRM system you will find a note about the last customer service phone call, the last sales call, and the last newsletter that the respective customer received. No more paperwork, now it’s clear.

CRM comparison – systems for small and medium-sized businesses at a glance

The best CRM systems for small and medium-sized businesses stand out primarily because they are easy to use. At best, they are easily adaptable to the company’s processes. The core functions of such software are:

  • Central database for customer data
  • Display and simplification of sales and customer care processes
  • Analysis and statistics functions
  • E-mail dispatch
  • Telephone integration
  • Interfaces to other systems in the company (ERP or similar)
  • Ticket system and task management
  • Offer management
  • Appointment organization

In our opinion, the following systems are particularly well suited for small and medium-sized businesses in a CRM comparison.

Salesforce is considered the best-known CRM system of all. The market leader offers a wealth of functions and still impresses with a very good user-friendliness. Salesforce is very easy to manage and offers an easy-to-use graphical interface. Above all, the strong customizability of the system with a large number of possible integrations is a big plus. Customer support is the only minor drawback. Here Salesforce works together with another company. The service quality is not always constant. In terms of price, Salesforce ranges from 25 euros to 300 euros per user per month, depending on the range of functions.

Zoho is also a very popular CRM in the midmarket. More than 50,000 corporate customers use the software worldwide. In a CRM comparison, it holds its own with its many integration options and online services. Zoho particularly stands out thanks to its automation options and mobile applications. Simple processes that cost the sales department time are simply taken over by the system. For example, all website visitors can be automatically created as leads. The software can be used in the browser, but there is also an Android and iOS app for smartphones. Teams with up to 3 users can use Zoho for free. After that, prices range from 12 euros to 100 euros per user per month, depending on the version.

Zendesk Sell, formerly Base CRM
Base CRM has been around since 2009 and is now sold under the name Zendesk Sell. The CRM system is highly customizable for SMEs thanks to its modular system. Depending on your business processes, you can tailor your perfect CRM system. Zendesk Sell scores especially as a lean software in a very tidy design. Zendesk Sell is one of the few CRM systems that provide highly functional mobile applications. This is where the system scores in a direct CRM comparison. The “lead tracking” function also turns out to be very useful. Here, several contact points, external as well as internal, can be linked to a possible sale and are thus always up to date. In terms of price, the CRM software ranges from 19 euros to 99 euros per license per month, depending on the version.

SugarCRM is a popular CRM software from America. The solution is particularly popular because it is based on open source code. The source code of the software is therefore completely transparent and can be used by the user. A worldwide community supports the self-use of the software. Those who prefer to focus on more service have the choice between a cross-industry solution and a CRM system specifically for insurance companies. SugarCRM stands out in comparison with its social integrations. For example, Twitter can be easily integrated into the tool. The same goes for communication and video conferencing tools. High-quality mobile applications for Android and iOS complete the offering. The four different software-as-a-service packages range from $35 to $100 per license per month.

Hubspot is not a classic CRM system for medium-sized businesses. Originally, Hubspot impressed primarily with its inbound marketing functions. In the meantime, however, this solution has been elegantly rounded off with a CRM. As a result, Hubspot offers a complete package for marketing, customer support, sales and even helps with content management. The marketing automation features continue to stand out. The three packages make Hubspot attractive in the CRM comparison for both small and large companies. The solution costs between 104 euros and 3864 euros per month.

CRM comparison for small and medium-sized businesses: Conclusion

As with many other business-related decisions, the best CRM for SMEs also depends heavily on the general conditions at your company. If you’re in the B2C sector, you’ll probably find good marketing solutions just as important as sales solutions. Here, CRM systems like Hubspot or SugarCRM come out on top. In the B2B sector, perhaps classic apps like Salesforce or Zendesk Sell with its deal tracking feature score more highly. Mobile applications also vary significantly in quality in the CRM comparison. Anyone who employs a lot of people in the field should compare carefully here. This is where a CRM like Zendesk Sell can score.